
Upholstery Stains

Why Upholstery Stains Come Back And How To Prevent Them

Why Upholstery Stains Come Back And How To Prevent Them We all love to sink in the comfort of our sofas and couches. These beloved upholstered furniture not only provide us with the utmost comfort but because they are also the focal point of your living space, they also enhance the appeal of our entire […]

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Safe Fabric Couch Cleaning

What to Do and What to Avoid for a Safe Fabric Couch Cleaning Session

What to Do and What to Avoid for a Safe Fabric Couch Cleaning Session For most of us, the best part of our day includes straightaway hitting the couch after coming back home after a long, tiring day. This is the best feeling ever. You just unwind, snuggle into your comfy couch, watch your favourite […]

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Why Upholstery Cleaning Should Be on Your Regular Home Maintenance Checklist

Why Upholstery Cleaning Should Be on Your Regular Home Maintenance Checklist You may be very proud of your living room upholstery in its bright and vibrant colours. Your clean and fresh upholstery makes guests and family alike feel welcome in your living room. Regular weekly cleaning, along with professional cleaning on a quarterly basis, is a […]

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Tips to Remove Unpleasant Odours from Your Leather Furniture

Tips to Remove Unpleasant Odours from Your Leather Furniture Everyone loves to own leather furniture in their home or workplace. Be it a leather couch, lounge, or cosy chair, every leather furniture has charm and classifies your overall space. However, they are also more prone to absorbing all kinds of smells and odours. Since leather […]

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Upholstery Fabric Cleaning Codes

Understand The Upholstery Fabric Cleaning Codes

Understand The Upholstery Fabric Cleaning Codes We put so much thought when it comes to buying a new couch, armchair, or any other kind of upholstered furniture. However, do you also put as much thought into maintaining and cleaning your upholstery? Even people who are all about keeping their surroundings clean and tidy can forget […]

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Different Types of Upholstery Fabrics and Their Cleaning Needs

Different Types of Upholstery Fabrics and Their Cleaning Needs

There are so many possibilities when it comes to selecting the ideal upholstery fabric for your furniture. Each kind of fabric offers a certain blend of appeal, toughness, and comfort. However, along with the joy of selecting the right fabric comes the responsibility of maintaining it properly to ensure its longevity and appearance. In this […]

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How to Remove Tough Stains from Upholstery

How to Remove Tough Stains from Upholstery

Furniture stains and spots are often the last things anyone wants to think about while trying to design the perfect domestic space, yet stained blotches on upholstered furniture are not at all appealing. Even the most carefully positioned red wine glasses can tip over, as anybody with a cat or young kid knows. So, when […]

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How To Get Rid Of Water Stains From Fabric Couch

How To Get Rid Of Water Stains From Fabric Couch

Don’t feel stressed if you notice some spots of water on your fabric couch, which is generally caused by spilled nail polish remover on the couch & glasses or it is a wine stain. You can detect these spots easily they appear in a circle shape after the fabric absorb the water completely. It is […]

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Clean Light Colored Leather

3 Ways to Clean Light Colored Leather

Owning leather products would be one of the greatest things. Leather is a type of material that is loved by everyone. But maintaining the same is pretty challenging in terms of cleaning it and extending its durability. Whether you speak about home decor or your dressing. Leather is a type of quality that goes with […]

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Remove Red Wine Stains From Upholstery

3 Ways To Remove Red Wine Stains From Upholstery

How many times have you organized a home party or invited over some guests, while having a chit chat your uncle joe spills red wine on your couch and leaves you worried about red wine stains on the couch? Upholstery stain removal is easy and can be carried out at home by many methods. Red […]

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